class PosixPsutil::Network
Public Class Methods
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interface can be one of [:inet, :inet4, inet6, :udp, :udp4, :udp6, :tcp, :tcp4, :tcp6, :all, :unix]
the default interface is :inet, contains udp and tcp return #<OpenStruct inode, laddr, raddr, family, type, status, fd, pid>
# File linux/system.rb, line 450 def self.net_connections(interface=:inet) ret = [] connection = return nil unless connection.tmap.key?(interface) inodes = Processes.get_all_inodes connection.tmap[interface].each do |kind| f, family, type = kind if [AF_INET, AF_INET6].include?(family) ret.concat(connection.process_inet("/proc/net/#{f}", family, type, inodes)) else ret.concat(connection.process_unix("/proc/net/#{f}", family, inodes)) end end ret end
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Get counters of network io (per network interface)
When pernic is true, return a hash contains network io of each interface, otherwise return sum of all interfaces.
The network io of each/all interface(s) is represented in #<OpenStruct bytes_recv, packets_recv, errin, dropin, bytes_sent, packets_sent, errout, dropout>.
# File linux/system.rb, line 405 def self.net_io_counters(pernic=false) lines = IO.readlines('/proc/net/dev')[2..-1] if pernic ret = {} lines.each do |line| colon = line.rindex(':') name = line[0...colon].strip() fields = line[(colon + 1)..-1].strip.split(' ') counter = counter.bytes_recv = fields[0].to_i counter.packets_recv = fields[1].to_i counter.errin = fields[2].to_i counter.dropin = fields[3].to_i counter.bytes_sent = fields[8].to_i counter.packets_sent = fields[9].to_i counter.errout = fields[10].to_i counter.dropout = fields[11].to_i ret[name.to_sym] = counter end return ret else counter = 0, packets_recv: 0, errin: 0, dropin: 0, bytes_sent: 0, packets_sent: 0, errout: 0, dropout: 0) lines.each do |line| colon = line.rindex(':') fields = line[(colon + 1)..-1].strip.split(' ') counter.bytes_recv += fields[0].to_i counter.packets_recv += fields[1].to_i counter.errin += fields[2].to_i counter.dropin += fields[3].to_i counter.bytes_sent += fields[8].to_i counter.packets_sent += fields[9].to_i counter.errout += fields[10].to_i counter.dropout += fields[11].to_i end return counter end end